Thursday 6 March 2014

A Seasonal Poem

Long term readers of my main blog may have seen this poem before (yes, sorry, another poem - but a book review is on it's way!). I initially wrote it for a competition to write a poem about Spring to the win the prize of a regular slot in a magazine - I then realised they were pro-hunt and didn't want anything to do with such a magazine. 
Anyway, long story short, you now have a poem about Spring before you. Enjoy!

Wind and snow, rain and sleet
Mighty oaks refuse defeat
Their leaves now fallen, perished by
Frost and snow that mounts so high
The robin chirps tunes immense
Its feathers being its one defense
Against the numbing frost and snows
And with each day the chill does grow

But as the months flitter by
A hint of change catches the eye
Daffodils raise their weary heads
Arrays of yellow filling beds
And sun seen so long ago
Rises again, everything aglow
A golden globe beaming bright
Filling grey skies with pools of light
Flittering through the blades of green
Emerald fields shine supreme

With sweet sorrow, a short goodbye
Singing a final verse then soaring high
Crimson middle, wings outstretched
Nostalgic emotions it does fetch

As cold memories are swept away
The children return to their play
Games forgotten throughout December
Re-embraced until September

When wind and snow, rain and sleet

Return triumphant in their feat

I hope you enjoyed this poem and I would love to hear any comments you have on it.
You can also tweet me at @TheEmeraldDove or email me at 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really nice poem! I wish I could write as well as you do, dear :)

